While I confess that I am not a huge fan of body hair, I must admit that I secretly aspire to someday be able to wear a full and thick 'grizzly adams' style beard. I wouldn't call it an obsession, but definitely a top 20 goal. The sad part is that I'm 26 and my pops apparently forgot to pass on the right genes when he made me:(
Here's my Dad's one week of growth....

Oh, and here is my room mate's sweet moses beard during last year's hunting season....I find the black and white especially funny because it sort of looks like a mug shot!

So many of you may already know that I go on a cruise with friends and family every year; On this wonderful vacation, we enjoy several friendly competitions including karaoke, weight gain, smallest speedo, worst sweater, etc. Last year a mustache contest was started and I failed horribly. While my dad can just think about it and seemingly grow a full beard in 5 minutes, I have to really work at it and be patient for much of anything to show up in my 'upper lip' region. It doesn't help that my facial hair is just about as blonde as my head hair! Anyway, considering that our Alaskan excursion is just a little over a month away, I thought now would be a good time to get mine started.Not too shabby so far right? eh...eh? :) Yea... I know it's pathetic.

I find that my latest hair cut is really quite convenient in that my facial hair is about the same length and, therefore, looks even better than it would have with those long golden locks I had over the winter. LOL. This is a picture I used for a work directory, hence the cool shirt and 'loud' tie. The funniest part is whenever my nephew Owen and I are hanging out. He's 2 1/2 and consistently asks me what's on my face, then rubs it with his grubby little toddler hands and says, 'it's not coming off' with a puzzled look on his face. Thanks for the ego boost buddy.... (sigh) you're still my boy!
On a more serious note, things are going great with work. In less than three months my branch is already performing at levels of branches that have been established for two or three years. I have a wonderful staff who learn quickly, work hard, and always have a lot of fun. The community is very welcoming and the marketing couldn't be progressing any better.
I recently was called to be the Sunday School President in the West Bountiful Lakeside Ward. I am finding the calling to be much more involved than I anticipated, but I'm really enjoying it. I'm afforded the opportunity to teach again and I remember how rewarding that can be.
I start a new round of classes next week and I'm finally starting to see a light at the end of the proverbial 'school tunnel'. All in all, life is good and I feel very blessed.
Wish me luck with the stache! :)
I like the "loud" tie! I am not, however a fan of body hair. I am a cosmetic laser technician which is how I came upon your blog. A very darling lady named Kathy suggested I look you up. My name is Jenny. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=77265537
Don't be alamed by the handsome boys. I assure you they were in Palm Springs because like golfing more than they like girls. Take a look at my space but send an email to jlc.christensen@gmail.com I'm too busy to check myspace often. Jen
well, good luck with it then! i came across your blog in a search for people who liked the Weakerthans, just in case you're wondering why this random person is commenting you lol anyways i love the family aspect of your blog, it is cheerful to read! keep on!
Nice to see your blog after a little cruisin around the 2000 class website. Hope all is well with you. Good luck on the beard. Paige
Liking the new look. I think my FAVORITE part about the whole thing though are these random people that have left comments on your blog about your facial hair.
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