Sunday, April 6, 2008

Red Cliffes Lodge Work Retreat

Red Cliffes Lodge, 20 minutes outside of Moab. This was the view out our back window.

My little bro Stephen let me borrow his boots and oversized buckle for the 'cowboy' dinner.
Hey Everyone, come see how good I look!

Beautiful red rock, decent golf, great company!

Click on this photo to see Kris and Tristin just finishing their four mile stroll up the canyon and back! :) ....The canyon name isn't exactly PC for today's standards, but it was gorgeous!

Kris, Brian, and Joe. Joe was a champ and 'hid' under the golf clubs in the back while we drove to the golf course. Brian, my 'date', took a turn as well:)


Joyous said...

ok... totally looks like so much fun! Good job playing it up... nice buckle by the way!

Dan n Ash said...

Are you any good at golf? you and Dan should go play one day!

Wayne said...

I'm horrible, but getting better. By the end of the year, I should progress from horrible to just not good:) I'd love to play a round with him, but I doubt it would be any fun for him. Kinda like when I play soccer with someone who loves soccer, but really really sucks at it. It may be fun for them, but I normally just want to slap them in the face:) Dan is a big dude, and I don't want to be slapped:)

Dan n Ash said...

Golf is different though, you're not competing directly against eachother, more so the course or yourself. You just golf with people to BS and enjoy the scenery!

Colb, Sar and Cici said...

What up champ! The belt buckle rocksf!!!