Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Haircuts and more travel plans

I got a haircut a while ago and realized I hadn't shown it off yet..... sigh, I miss my long golden locks....

Anyway, it looks like I'll be in Florida for the rest of this week with my older bro and my pops. My sis and her family are moving from Fort Lauderdale to Jacksonville for my bro in law's residency program. Aside from the heavy lifting and navigating of couches, tables, and pianos, it should be good times as usual with the Sanders Family! I'll post pictures upon my return.


Dave Anderson said...

Wayne!!! Like the haircut! You've become quite the traveler lately. Don't you ever work?? :) Have fun in Flordia with your fam.

abbylucienne said...

I think you look more like Andrew now.