Thursday, April 10, 2008

Construction Update

After last week's meeting with the planning comittee and a walk through with the general contractor, our slated opening date is may 12th. I am really looking forward to the challenge of opening a new branch. It's been fun to see the building take shape; all that is left is interior fascia work and exterior landscaping. All my staff is hired and trained, supply orders are all but complete; however I still need to make sure everything is stocked. Once hardware is installed, we'll make sure the delivery systems are up and running, and be ready to go! This new location will require a lot more marketing and community involvment. I intend to be an active member of the chamber of commerce, as that has helped me greatly in previous assigments.
This location is one third of the drive I'm used to; comine that with the great new gas mileage I'm getting and life is good!


The Van Leeuwen Family said...

Wayne! It's been forever! Looks like you're having all sorts of fun!
Viv (Wade) Van Leeuwen

Wayne said...

Hey Viv! So good to hear from you! Life is great:) I'm going to send you my email so for permission to view your blog. it will be cool to see what's new with you!