Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mustache March!

I'm doing my best to participate in this time honored tradition and I promise to post pictures once my 'stache' is more respectable. During the next month, I will be traveling to Hawaii, Moab, and attending the first RSL game of the season.
Although Real Salt Lake's first three seasons have been sore disappointments; I am optimistic with our new acquisitions and improved fitness that we will see a playoff birth. I firmly believe in staying loyal to your home teams, whether successful or not. I will admit that I've made plenty of jokes about the team over the years, I continue to renew my season tickets, and enjoy supporting my team and yelling until I lose my voice. My friends and I sit right behind the opposing teams bench, and do our best to get in their heads before and during each match. Last year, we successfully got Taylor Twellmane to flip us off, had assistant D.C. coach John Harkes tell us to shut up, and Former USMNT and NYRB Head coach Bruce Arena drop a couple of 4 letter words when he got fed up with our taunting. I love having a professional soccer team in Utah and will support them through good and bad seasons as a dedicated fan. This year, I see a lot more depth in our squad, especially in the midfield and defense, and I'm quite excited about the improved play of our Strikers. The aquisition of a certain scottish import player, nicknamed Dr. goals, has me closer to Cocky about our scoring power than any previous year. I can hardly wait until opening day!
This month has me stoked and I promise to post many pics of my adventures as they happen.
7 working days left and then my biggest concern will be SPF 5 or 10 :)


Dan n Ash said...

Hawaii?!?!? I am sooo jealous! What is the occasion?

Joyous said...

Sounds like a good time... happy to hear that you are up to know good as usual!! Have a great month!!!

Wayne said...

A friend of mine came upon a really cheap time share right on the beach and he happens to work for skywest, so we've got buddy passes! :) I'm stoked, I've never been.

Joyous said...

I totally meant "no good" I am an idiot! But it still sounds like fun!!! Even if I can't spell!